How long will I have to come to counselling or therapy?
Sometimes only one session – it just depends on the difficulty you are having, how complex and how long-standingyour situation is.
Do you see people for anger management problems?
Yes. Often, there are some simple strategies you can put in place to manage anger in a different way. Visit our anger management page for more information.
Do you have experience working with children?
Yes, I worked at Redbank House for 10 years. Redbank House is a tertiary referral centre for children with difficult behaviours. I have also worked with children for many years in my private practice and studied with Dan Hughes (Attachment Theory). I was also president of the NSW Foster Care Association for 10 years, so I have worked with many children in the Out of Home Care Sector. Visit my child counselling page for more information.
How can you help people with Aspergers Syndrome?
The work I do with young people with Aspergers Syndrome is behaviour modification. I saw a young person recently whose parents had been told Aspergers cannot be cured, that is true of course, but as with all of us behaviour can be modified. Often the parents have good parenting but it just does not work with these young people, so we look at other strategies, and of course the young person themselves, want things to be different.
Do you do relationship counselling?
Yes, I do marriage and relationship conselling. Sometimes even when something really difficult has happened in a relationship, rather than being the end of a relationship it can be a new beginning, with some work, if both parties are willing. Visit my relationship counselling page for more information.
What hours do you work?
Very flexible hours, days and evenings and some Saturdays.
We aim to fit in with your other commitments.
If you have a general question, please do not hesitate to click here to email and ask me.